Balance Bikes – The Perfect Gift for Kids

Any parent will know that trying to teach your kids how to ride a bike can be like trying to teach a fish how to walk but seeing them starting to ride by themselves is the most rewarding experience for both kids and parents. Learning how to ride a bike shouldn’t be a stress and although it can be challenging, the journey should build character and confidence. The smile and excitement on children’s faces as they glide along on two wheels through the park is unbeatable, but like with most other parents, you’re probably wondering where you start and asking yourself questions like: What sort of bike should I get? How much do kids’ bikes cost these days? Do they need stabilisers? Why do my joints suddenly ache!?

Well hopefully you’ve stumbled across this post asking those very questions, because we’ve got the answers for you right here…balance bikes! Sometimes I wish I had these when I was learning to ride a bike because they look like so much fun, but better late than never, I guess. Anyway, balance bikes are designed for younger kids aged from 2 upwards and while some come in a variety of sizes, others are adjustable to suit growing kids. Without any peddles, children can use their feet to push them forward, lifting their legs to glide along as they grow their confidence. So which balance bike should you get? Let’s take a look at some of the ones SkateHut stocks now…

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 BERG Balance Bikes

BERG is a well-known brand for ride on toys and offer a great range of balance bikes as well. From the Biky Cross to the Biky Mini, you can find a size which will suit each age group and child size. They also come in very cool designs, like the Biky Trail or the Biky Retro, so whatever your kids’ style is, there will be a BERG bike to suit them. Starting at £88.95, you’ll be getting a great brand dedicated to quality and durability and your kid will get the first bike they’ve dreamed of.

BERG Biky Cross Grey

Strider Balance Bikes

Strider is known for their top tier balance bikes, ranging from 12 inch and 14 inch and in a variety of colours, but the functional design remains the same throughout. Their frames are manufactured from lightweight, sturdy metal so you know that these will last a long time, making it ideal if you wanted to pass this down to younger siblings as the eldest kids outgrow them and move onto bigger peddle bikes. What sets Strider balance bikes apart from others however, is that they come with various adjustable features, such as seat and handlebar height. The 14x Sport variant also comes with a peddle kit, so when you kid is ready to start, you’ll be able to pop these on and they’ll be ready to peddle away. There is even a rocking base for younger kids and a ski set, which attach to the wheels, so not even the snow can stop you. What’s more, these are on offer, so you’ll be getting a great deal!

Strider BalanceBike

Chillafish Balance Bikes

Chillafish are a popular manufacturer for balance bikes and offer a very cool design for your kids first bike, with a brushed metal frame, ergonomically designed seat and funky, no-puncture white wheels, they will be the envy of the playground. They’ve also thought about the parents, with a nifty handle on the frame for easy carry, because let’s face it, even the most energetic kid will get tired eventually. The seat and handlebars are also adjustable, so you’ll get more use out of it as your child grows. 

Chillafish Balance Bike

So there we have it; a comprehensive guide on the best balance bikes. Not too brief and not to complicated and hopefully you’re a little more clued in on which balance bike would be best for your kiddo. Whether it’s their birthday, or Christmas, or just because you’re feeling extra generous…maybe they even got star of the week in class, these balance bikes are an absolute game changer.