If you’re looking for Lakai shoes, then look no further than SkateHut. We have a huge range of Skate Shoes for you to browse below. Based in California, Los Angeles, the Lakai Skate shoes company was forged in the Skateboarding lifestyle.
Originally founded by professional Skateboarders Rick Howard and Mike Carroll, their focus has always been creating an incredibly supportive atmosphere and a product line that any team of Skateboard riders would be proud to wear. Huge names in the Skateboarding industry endorse the brand professionally, such as Vincent Alvarez, Stevie Perez, Riley Hawk, Simon Bannerot, Tyler Pacheco to name a few.
Laikai Skate shoes are by Skateboarders for Skateboarders with their own distinct style. As a Skate shoe, thy are designed for practicality and performance. Buy Lakai shoes now and show off your unique style.
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