Celebrating the Best BMX/Bike Riders - 2023

As the BMX scene continues to flourish, we find ourselves in 2023, eager to shine a spotlight on the crème de la crème of BMX riders who are pushing the boundaries of creativity and athleticism. This blog is an homage to these modern-day daredevils, focusing on three exhilarating aspects of the sport: BMX freestyle, BMX street freestyle, and the bike life movement.

BMX Freestyle:

At the forefront of the BMX world, freestyle riding stands as a testament to the incredible mastery of bike control. Riders harness their bikes like extensions of themselves, performing gravity-defying tricks that leave spectators in awe. From soaring high above ramps to executing intricate spins and flips, these athletes turn the concrete jungle into their personal playgrounds.


Kieran Reilly

Kieran Reilly, hailing from Newcastle, stands as an inspiring figure in the current BMX park scene, showcasing remarkable skills and talent. Earlier last year he took his sport to the next level and landed the world’s first triple flair on a BMX Bike. On a custom-built roll-in and ramp at an indoor BMX and skate facility at Asylum Skatepark in Nottinghamshire, England, Reilly managed three full backflips and a 180-degree rotation at the end.

Kieran Reilly claimed his first European title at the Krakow-Malopolska European Games earlier this June, Emerging from the qualifiers in the third position, the previous year's silver medalist, Reilly, strode into the finals. His exceptional, trick-laden routines led to an impressive score of 92.33, propelling him to claim his first European title.

Earlier this month, Kieran once again achieved a gold medal for Great Britain at the UCI World Championships. Having secured the world title in addition to his European crown, Reilly has set his sights on capturing gold at the upcoming Paris Olympics next year.



Ryan Williams

Ryan Williams, often referred to as "R-Willy," is an Australian professional BMX rider known for his incredible skills and groundbreaking tricks in the sport. He gained significant recognition for his exceptional talent in both park and mega ramp riding disciplines. R-Willy is particularly renowned for pushing the boundaries of what is possible on a BMX bike and being one of the pioneers of highly technical and innovative tricks.

Some of his notable accomplishments include being the first person to land a triple frontflip on a BMX bike, as well as successfully executing a wide range of complex and daring tricks. R-Willy has been a part of the Nitro Circus crew, which is a collective of extreme sports athletes known for their spectacular live shows and televised events.

R-Willy's presence on social media platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, has allowed him to share his impressive riding videos, connect with fans, and continue to inspire a new generation of BMX riders. His dedication to pushing the limits of the sport and his remarkable feats have earned him a strong following and a respected place in the BMX community.



BMX Street Freestyle:

Imagine turning everyday street obstacles into opportunities for creative expression. BMX street freestyle takes the raw essence of city life and transforms it into an artistic canvas. The streets become a stage for riders to showcase their finesse as they seamlessly blend technical prowess with artistic flair.


Tate Roskelley

Tate Roskelley stands as one of the most inventive street BMXers of our era, pushing the boundaries of what's possible on two wheels. His unique approach to riding transcends traditional norms, as he effortlessly blends elements of freestyle, creativity, and technical mastery into his awe-inspiring manoeuvres.

 A proud member of Team GT Bikes, Roskelley's affiliation with the renowned cycling brand speaks volumes about his skill and reputation within the BMX community. His presence on Team GT Bikes is a testament to his exceptional talent and his ability to continually redefine the realm of street BMX riding.



The Bike Life Movement:

In recent years, a vibrant and inclusive movement has taken root within the BMX culture - the bike life movement. Embracing a spirit of unity and community, this movement brings together riders from all walks of life to celebrate their shared passion for bikes. Street rideouts, awe-inspiring stunts, and the sheer joy of riding are the cornerstones of this phenomenon.


Little Harry 

"Little Harry" is a nickname for a young rider who gained attention in the UK Bike Life scene. He is known for his impressive skills and daring stunts on a bicycle, particularly within the context of urban and street riding. Little Harry became popular through social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, His videos often showcase his fearless approach to stunts, tricks, and manoeuvres on a bike, contributing to the growing popularity of the Bike Life movement. Little Harry, like many other riders in the Bike Life scene, is part of a larger community that enjoys showcasing their talents and creativity on two wheels in urban environments.

Notably, Little Harry has solidified his status by aligning with Collective Bikes, proudly representing the team. Moreover, his recent collaborations with BooHooMAN have further underscored his growing influence, solidifying his position as a versatile and influential figure in the dynamic world of Bike Life.



Jake 100

Jake O'Neill, widely recognized as Jake 100, has become an iconic figure not just within the UK but on a global scale, all thanks to his influential role in the 'Bike Life' movement. His prowess in wheelies and Urban MTB skills has made him a household name among kids everywhere. By relentlessly honing his craft and embracing a lifestyle centred around his biking talents, Jake 100 has elevated himself to a remarkable status. However, his impact extends beyond just his riding abilities. He passionately advocates for a positive alternative to the perils of gang and knife crime, using his love for biking to inspire youth, particularly in tough neighbourhoods. Notably, he led the 'Knives Down, Bikes Up' movement, mobilising thousands of young riders in a resounding stand against knife crime right in the heart of London.

In addition to his advocacy work, Jake 100 has co-founded substantial meet-ups and ride-outs, playing a pivotal role in nurturing the burgeoning 'Bike Life' phenomenon. His efforts have contributed to the emergence of a fresh biking culture, resonating with a diverse community. Breaking new ground, Jake secured a unique distinction as the first athlete in his field to secure an ambassador deal with a global brand, a feat achieved as a proud NIKE LONDON Athlete. Beyond endorsements, his collaborations have extended to influential partnerships, including his close association with BooHoo, notably through the upcoming Bike Stormz event on August 19th. Embodying his entrepreneurial spirit, Jake has also ventured into the fashion world, introducing his own clothing line, Down To Ride. Through his riding prowess, advocacy, and creative ventures, Jake 100 continues to inspire, shape, and lead the 'Bike Life' movement.