Conversation with SSTX


About SSTX

SSTX is a street sports group that originated in Shrewsbury, but they also skate in Telford, Birmingham, and surrounding areas. The crew consists of four main members - Ollie Laroche, Jay Skinner, Mark Harmer - but they skate with loads of people day-to-day. Additionally, they also skate with Rasheed Osman, Nick Binnington, Tristan Jones, and Ben Broyd.

The entire crew has been skating together for over 10 years, ever since they were kids. Even though they lead hectic lives, skating has always brought them back together. After all this time, they have started to create a page to show off their scene. The crew tries to skate and record every day, and they mostly skate at Shrewsbury Sundawn, which is their local skatepark and the one you see in most of their clips.

Because the skateboarding scene is so small in Telford/Shrewsbury, it means the community is tight-knit. The SSTX guys are trying to give a positive outlook on skateboarding, as it doesn't always look great. Keeping the scene a safe environment for all ages and wheels is one of their main priorities. Being able to push and hype each other up is also very important in the scene.

In the future, SSTX plans to release new merchandise and grow their social media presence.

