Design a Deck - Winners Revealed!

#DesignADeck Winners Revealed!

Here at Skate Hut we’ve been inundated with tonnes of awe-inspiring board creations but the results of our #DesignADeck competition are now in and the winners are ready to be announced!

Our judging panel had so many wicked designs to sift through and admire but there can only be one overall winner. And that accolade goes to 22 year-old Zac Simmons with his ‘Slow Rider’ themed deck design depicting a sloth which massively impressed the judges with its originality.

So respect to Zac, his novel design is sure to create plenty of envy around the streets and skateparks of Eastbourne and Brighton can we check, does he ride in Brighton? If so, link to Brighton skateparks piece where he hangs out and perfects The Darkslide.

As well as getting his hands on his own signature 8” board to ride, Zac has also bagged himself £200 worth of skateboard components.

We also need to give a big shout out to runners-up Ali Smith and Chris Craig who ran Zac close with their funky board designs and have also had their own designed decks delivered.

Massive thanks to everyone for taking the time to submit their #DesignADeck. We had well over 100 entries in total with loads of serious contenders giving the judging panel a big headache in order to pick the overall winner and top three!

Check out this gallery showcasing all the cool entries we received for #DesignADeck.