How to Choose Skateboard Trucks & Wheels


Skateboarding isn't just a sport, it's a passionate pursuit that ignites the hearts of riders young and old. Whether you're a beginner eager to carve your first path or a seasoned pro seeking the perfect setup, the journey always begins with one crucial decision, choosing the right skateboard truck

These unassuming metal components play a pivotal role in your skating experience, influencing everything from stability to maneuverability. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the intricacies of selecting the perfect skateboard trucks. From getting the width just right to understanding the impact of height and material composition, we'll equip you with the knowledge you need to make an informed choice.

Width of the Trucks

The width of your skateboard trucks is not something to overlook. It's all about achieving that perfect fit between your trucks and your deck. Imagine trying to wear shoes that are either too small or too large – it just wouldn't feel right. The same principle applies to your skateboard.

If your trucks are too narrow for your board, you risk sacrificing control and stability. Conversely, if they are too wide, your skate shoes might scrape against the wheels while you ride, affecting your balance and potentially causing accidents. To avoid these issues, it's essential to get the width just right.

A simple rule of thumb is to match the width of your trucks with the width of your skateboard deck. For example, if you have an 8-inch deck, aim for trucks that are around 139mm (approximately 5.25 inches) wide. This ensures that your trucks provide the right amount of support and manoeuvrability for your board.


Paris Trucks Co Street Skateboard Trucks - Matt Black 129mm

Height of the Trucks

When it comes to truck height, you have three main options: low, mid, and high. Each of these heights offers a distinct riding experience, and your choice should align with your skateboarding style and preferences.

Low Trucks (50mm - 53mm): Low trucks are closer to the ground, resulting in a lower center of gravity. This makes your board feel more stable and grounded. If you're into cruising, or transportation, or simply just prefer a more stable ride, low trucks are an excellent choice.

Mid Trucks (52mm - 56mm): Mid trucks strike a balance between stability and manoeuvrability. They are versatile and work well for various skateboarding styles, making them a popular choice among many skateboarders.

High Trucks (55mm - 60mm): High trucks offer a taller profile, which translates to quicker responsiveness when turning. This is particularly advantageous for street skating, as it allows for more pronounced tricks and sharper turns, giving you that coveted "pop" when executing tricks.

Your choice of truck height will significantly influence how your skateboard feels under your feet and how you control it. If you're unsure which height to choose, consider your primary skating style and experimentation. Many skateboarders find their preference through trial and error.


Independent Stage 11 Skateboard Trucks - Raw - 144mm

Composition of the Trucks

You can find steel and aluminium trucks from several brands in multiple styles. Magnesium trucks tend to be very lightweight. Heavy-duty street-style trucks have a hangar that is reinforced, making it one of the heavier choices on the market, however, its heavy weight is compensated with hollow axles. 

Your skateboard is your canvas, and the right trucks are the brushstrokes that define your ride. With this knowledge in your arsenal, you're ready to carve your path and make every ride an unforgettable one. Now, grab your board and let the journey begin!


Rampage Rasp Skateboard Trucks - Gold 5.25''


Just like choosing your skateboard trucks, choosing your skateboard wheels is of upmost importance too, for any skater regardless of skill level. Your wheels will play a key role in movement and performance, how comfortable your experience is and what type of surfaces you can take on. When selecting your skateboard wheels, you'll want to consider the following factors:

Wheel Diameter, Hardness & Shape

Skateboard wheels generally range from around 50mm to 60mm. Smaller wheels are generally better for street skating and executing the more trickier of the tricks, as they offer the rider a more stable experience and therefore, more control. A durometer scale is used to measure wheel hardness whereby, the higher the number, the harder the wheels are. Softer wheels offer more grip and are ideal for cruising and rougher surfaces. Harder wheels are better suited for street and park skating as they offer less grip but more slideability and speed. Skateboard wheels also come in a range of shapes, such as conical. square-edged or rounded. The shape will also have an impact on the way your board performs, for example, conical wheels offer a happy medium between stability and responsiveness, whereas square-edged wheels allow for more stability. Rounded wheels, on the other hand, are generally chosen by riders that want to belt out those impressive tricks since the rounded style allows for quick, agile and smooth sliding.

Weight & Size of the Rider

The rider's weight and size will have an effect on how the wheels move. Riders that are bigger and heavier generally prefer larger and harder wheels as this will offer the stability and speed that they crave. Lighter riders tend to go for smaller and softer wheels as these wheels will provide them with the necessary control.


Since there are so many factors and types of skateboard wheels, its no surprise that the price range for these vary quite a bit too. Of course, you will want to buy a pair of skateboard wheels that fit your budget, but be sure to consider the above and strike a happy medium between price and the features to provide you with what you need.

Rampage 99A Skateboard Wheels Black/Gold - 53 x 31mm


Your skateboard is your canvas, and the right trucks and wheels are the brushstrokes that paint the perfect picture when it comes to your skating experience. With this knowledge in your arsenal, you're ready to carve your path and make every ride an unforgettable one. Now, grab your board and let the journey begin!


Also, keep an eye out for our epic range of skateboard offers so that you can shred for less!