Longboards Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on longboards! Longboarding is an exhilarating and versatile sport, attracting enthusiasts from all walks of life. Whether you're a seasoned rider looking to refine your skills or a curious beginner eager to dive into the world of longboarding, this FAQ article is here to provide you with answers to your very own questions about longboards that you have asked us.

So, if you're ready to embark on an adventure that mixes up speed, style, and freedom, fasten your helmet and get ready to explore the exciting world of longboards.

What's the difference between a longboard and a cruiser?

The difference between a longboard and a longboard cruiser lies in their design and purpose. Longboards are longer with regards to length, typically ranging from 36 to 60 inches and they offer stability and a smoother ride. They are generally designed for downhill racing, freeriding, and long-distance cruising and tend to be more stable at higher speeds. 

Cruisers are usually smaller and more compact, usually around 28 to 32 inches. They are designed for urban commuting, quick turns, and maneuverability in tight spaces. Cruisers are perfect for navigating city streets, campuses, or beach boardwalks. This makes them good for getting from A to B in a fun and relaxed way. 


Can I do tricks and jumps on a longboard?

As mentioned in our answer above, longboards are primarily designed for cruising, carving, and downhill riding, so they are not usually used for tricks and jumps like traditional skateboards. Longboards have longer decks and wider trucks, which are designed to give you stability and a smoother ride, so they may not be as ideal for technical tricks. 

There are, however, some longboard riders who have developed their own unique style of tricks and freestyle riding. If you're interested in tricks and jumps, you may want to explore specific longboard styles like freestyle or dance longboards that offer more maneuverability and versatility.


When longboarding, what safety precautions will I need to take?

Always wear a properly fitted helmet to protect your head in case of a fall. Also, consider wearing knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards to protect your joints and prevent injuries. Be sure to ride in designated areas away from heavy traffic and pedestrians, and obey all traffic laws. 

You’ll want to practice safe riding techniques, like keeping control and avoiding excessive speed. Make sure to regularly check your longboard for any signs of damage or wear and make sure all components, like your wheels and trucks are securely fastened before riding.



How do I stop on a longboard?

There are several ways to stop on a longboard. The most common method is the footbrake, where you drag your back foot on the ground to slow down or stop. 

Another technique is the slide stop, where you shift your weight to the side and slide the wheels sideways to control your speed. Practice different stopping techniques in a safe environment to improve your control and confidence.


Can I use my longboard for commuting from A to B?

Yes, many riders use longboards as a means of transportation or for commuting short to moderate distances. The smooth ride and stability of longboards make them well-suited for cruising around town or getting from one place to another, but it's important to consider factors such as traffic conditions, terrain, and local regulations before using your longboard for commuting.


Can I use my longboard in wet or rainy conditions?

It is generally not recommended to ride your longboard in wet or rainy conditions. Water can make the surface slippery, which can throw your traction off and cause you to take a bad fall. 

Wet conditions can also damage the longboard bearings and hardware of your board over time. If you do find yourself caught in wet conditions, take extra caution and ride at a slower pace, being mindful of potential hazards. After riding in wet conditions, it's important to thoroughly dry your longboard and bearings to prevent rust and deterioration.



How can I improve my balance and stability when riding my longboard?

Improving balance and stability on a longboard takes practice and experience. Start by focusing on your body position and weight distribution. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly to lower your centre of gravity. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and control. As you gain more confidence, practice balancing on one foot and gradually incorporate small turns and manoeuvres. 

Regularly riding your longboard and challenging yourself with different terrains and speeds will help develop your balance and stability over time.


Can I use my longboard on rougher or uneven surfaces?

Longboards are generally designed for smoother surfaces like pavement or concrete. Riding on rough or uneven surfaces can be challenging and may affect the performance of your board. t's best to stay away from extremely rough terrains as they can cause damage to your board and increase the risk of accidents. If you encounter rough patches, try to navigate around them or slow down so that you can keep control.


Browse a wide range of longboard brands here at SkateHut, from Loaded longboards to Mindless longboards.