Meeting Roxana

We recently got to go and meet our awesome skater Roxana, who at just 8 years old, is absolutely smashing it in the skating world!

She first started properly skating when she was just 6, and she’s had some incredible achievements since then.

This year, she’s placed top in some huge competitions and is currently enjoying a week at the famous Camp Woodward in Pennsylvania.

She’s competed at Nass Festival, where she took 5 th place in the Women’s Pro Park, as well as other major Jams including Rooster Bowl and  Girl Skate UK, where she came 1 st in the under 18’s and won best trick! There is just no stopping her.

Major brands are showing her major love and support such as Grizzly, Enuff and Stance. And it’s clear why, she’s already a huge talent who has a massive passion for skateboarding!

We got to see her shred around Cirencester Skate Park and we were massively impressed with how effortless she makes some tricks look, as well as how much determination she shows to land some slightly tougher tricks.

Keep up the awesome work Rox!

If you want to see more from Roxana and see her continuing to kill it, give her Instagram account @roxsk8girl a follow! We can’t wait to see what Rox has in store in the future, so watch this space.