Pro Complete Skateboards – Intermediate and Expert Decks

Like with all things in life, you can get your everyday necessities and then you can get your high-end, luxury items for when you want to treat yourself and skateboards are no exception. Some skateboard brands focus on pro boards exclusively, like Creature or Birdhouse, but you can also go some brands offering something for every level of skill, like Enuff or Santa Cruz, but what makes a pro complete skateboard stand out from the rest. Let’s have a peek.


Quality of Deck

Most skateboards are manufactured using 7-ply maple and is usually the standard, offering a sturdy but flexible deck that can be used for most simple tricks and basic shredding. Some brands like to push the boat out a bit more on the skateboard decks they manufacture though and based on opinion, Canadian maple is usually considered the gold standard for any 7-ply board, so you can expect to see this on a lot of pro complete decks.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we’re living in the future though, in a time where technology gives us amazing and wonderous things…such as Santa Cruz’s VX decks. There’s a bit of a guarded secret on how these skateboard decks are manufactured, but if you see a VX sticker on any of their boards, you know it’s a good’n. With inter-dispersed fiberglass between the ply, these boards give more pop, flexibility and ultimately airtime, ideal for pro riders looking to push their tricks to the next level.

Named Pro Riders

Most skateboards are manufactured using 7-ply maple and is usually the standard, offering a sturdy but flexible deck that can be used for most simple tricks and basic shredding. Some brands like to push the boat out a bit more on the skateboard decks they manufacture though and based on opinion, Canadian maple is usually considered the gold standard for any 7-ply board, so you can expect to see this on a lot of pro complete decks.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we’re living in the future though, in a time where technology gives us amazing and wonderous things…such as Santa Cruz’s VX decks. There’s a bit of a guarded secret on how these skateboard decks are manufactured, but if you see a VX sticker on any of their boards, you know it’s a good’n. With inter-dispersed fiberglass between the ply, these boards give more pop, flexibility and ultimately airtime, ideal for pro riders looking to push their tricks to the next level.

Top Tier Skate Parts

For pro complete skateboards, you’ll want to make sure you have the best skate parts, from wheels, trucks and even bearings. Some pro skateboards will come with these but sometimes you just want to customise your ride and only the best will do. With skateboard components, Santa Cruz are good allrounders, but specialist brands like Spitfire can be one of the best choices for skateboard wheels. The you also have Birdhouse offering their own trucks and risers, with other brands like Grind King specialising in skateboard trucks. So really it depends on how far you want to kit out your pro skateboard…and also how big your budget is obviously. Let’s take a look at some options for the kind of skateboard parts for your custom;

Skateboard Trucks

·        Independent

·        Grind King

·        Krux

·        Fracture

Skateboard Wheels

·        Spitfire

·        Santa Cruz

·        Ricta

·        Pig

So, if you’re levelling up your skateboard skill, make sure you’re getting the best with pro complete skateboards and custom skateboard parts. Looking for more advice? Check out our skateboard buying guide and huge range of completes right here at SkateHut.