Reckless Morph Wheels- Review by Illbilly

The new Morph Wheels from Reckless have been causing a stir lately, their Dual Durometer formula is designed as the perfect combo between speed and grip. No more pusher set ups or needing to change your wheels all the time!

We asked Illbilly- a skater from Southern Discomfort Roller Derby , Head Coach for Central City Rollergirls and Sponsored Skater for Reckless Wheels what he thought of the Morph's - Don't forget to check out the cool video too!

What wheels have you tried before?

I have tried a wide range of wheels including Heartless, Reckless and also other brands in the past. Before my sponsorship I had experienced lots of different types of wheels over the years including quad, inline and skateboard wheels.

What is important to you in a wheel?

The most important thing to me would be reliability and quality above all else. I have had wheels wear too quickly, others have chipped or had chunks fall off in places. I have had wheels loose grip and wear strangely in places, giving me flat spots which all affects the way you skate. A wheel should be designed to withstand the pressures that high level roller sports throw at them whilst giving the maximum responsivness in the areas you would expect.I get this from the Morph plus a whole lot more!

What do you think of the Morph?

They are currently my favourite wheels. When I tried them going from my Reckless Evader set up I wasn’t sure how my previous set up could be beat but the wheel really has spent such a long time in development that the wheel quality, design and response is unparallel in my opinion. If you go for the duro of the inside edge you get the feel of that wheel with added extra bite when you apply your edges and I use mine a lot and can vouch for the speed and response of the compound and grip of the Morph wheel.

How has the morph changed your skating?

Realistically speaking it might improve my skating but it will help in areas to give me an extra edge I didn’t before. Previously when I jammed on my 91a and my 93a all round set up I thought this was great but when I changed to use the 93a/88a Morph Wheel set up I have now all round I can really appreciate the extra grip when I juke and make sharp cuts while still feeling like I’m skating on a harder wheel. Just like the GRN MNSTR said it means you won’t have to worry about changing your wheels.

What would you say to anyone on the fence?

A bad workman/workwoman will blame their tools, but if you are thinking about finding a better, smarter and more responsive wheel then think about getting some Reckless Morph Wheels.

Don't fancy Dual Durometer wheels? Browse our full range of skateboard wheel