Stunt Scooter FAQs

In today’s blog article, we’ve answered a list of frequently asked questions related to Stunt Scooters that our customers and social media followers have asked us.


What to look for when buying your first Stunt Scooter?

When buying your first Stunt Scooter, you want to think about what you’ll be using it for. If you are looking for something to ride to and from school, a Commuter Scooter might be more along the lines of what you want. If you want to go off to the park and land those tricks, a Stunt Scooter would suit you perfectly, but you will want to ensure that the height of the Scooter Handlebars can be adjusted to meet your needs. 


What size Stunt Scooter should I get?

You will want your Scooter to feel just right. If the handlebars of your Stunt Scooter sit a little too low, you will be hunched over uncomfortably, but if they sit too high, you will struggle to manouver and execute your favourite stunts. You will want the handlebars come up to the height between your hips and belly button.


Are Stunt Scooters adjustable?

Stunt Scooters aren’t adjustable and the main reason for this is because you want your piece of kit to be solid and reliable when landing those tricks and having your scooter get thrown around all over the place. 


Where can I ride my Stunt Scooter?

Generally, Stunt Scooters have been designed to be used at the skatepark, on concrete surfaces, wooden floors, either indoor or outdoor, but they are also OK for riding on the pavement too, if you need to get back and forth to somewhere. The wheels on Stunt Scooters are generally not designed for rougher surfaces which could cause your setup to shake as you ride. 




What’s the difference between a Stunt Scooter and a normal scooter?

As previously mentioned, Stunt Scooters will generally have one solid sturdy bar to keep the setup in one piece for the harshest of tricks and the wheels will be specialised for hardcore riding too, with no folding mechnism to fold it away..To put it simply, Stunt Scooters are designed for landing those stunts in the park. If you are after something for longer distance travelling, you might want to consider a commuter scooter. Commuter scooters will be heavier, with thicker tyres and a folding mechanism in place, a complete contrast to Stunt Scooters.  



What are the most popular Stunt Scooter brands?

If you are looking for something entry level, CORE and Rampage are amazing for beginners. They are synonymous with quality across the Stunt Scooter community. Blunt Envy is another brand that is known for premium aesthetics, built for premium performances! They are particularly tailored to intermediate and advanced riders and those who are really stepping up their game.

However, you can take it to the next level and create your own custom Stunt Scooter using the Scooter Builder on SkateHut’s website and use the best of several brands! If you like a deck from CORE for example, but would also want to get your hands on some Rampage handlebars that you’ve come across, do it with the Scooter Builder and create a one-of-a-kind setup.


What are some recommended Stunt Scooter tricks for beginners?

The first thing you will want to do once you get your hands on your very first Stunt Scooter is to get familiarised with a few tricks. A good one to start off with is a nice simple bunny hop. As you can imagine, a bunny hop is when you roll along, lift your scooter off the ground before landing and proceeding to roll forward. The bunny hop is pretty much the fundamental trick to everything else you will be learning, so it’ll be a good stunt to master. Once you’ve got your bunny hop nailed, you might want to progress to giving tail whips a go too.

YouTube is also an amazing resource! If there’s a particular trick you want to learn, there will always be tons of YouTube tutorials giving you a step by step breakdown of how to achieve this. Plenty of skateparks also offer one-to-one tuitions which is a great way to learn, but even if there isn’t, other Stunt Scooter riders will be more than happy to give you a hand and help you to progress.



How does the SkateHut Custom Scooter Builder work?

Our Custom Scooter Builder is a great tool for creating your dream scooter from top to bottom. You can pick out every single part from a range of the best brands on the market, catering to exactly what you need to put together your perfect scooter. 


Shop our entire stunt scooter range now, or browse our complete collection of adult and Kids Scooters.