The Easiest Stunt Scooter Tricks to Learn for Beginners

So, you have a new stunt scooter and you want to start learning some tricks. Here are 5 tricks for absolute beginners. These tricks are easy to master and form the basis of many advanced tricks!



Bunny Hop

Bunny Hop is just Jumping with your scooter

  1. While standing still on your scooter, hold the handlebars, bend both knees and jump into the air, pulling the scooter up as you jump.
  2. Bend your knees again as you land to stay in control of your scooter.

Once you’re feeling confident, try the Bunny Hop while moving.

Tail Whip

A Tail Whip is a 360° rotation of the deck around the handlebar column

  1. Jump as high as you can.
  2. Kick the deck with the toe of your back foot.
  3. Use your arms for the rest of the motion, muscling the handlebars round in a circular motion.
  4. Watch the deck come round and reach out your back foot to catch it and bring the deck back underneath you.
  5. Keep yourself balanced to land.

Once mastered you can try Double Tailwhip, Triple Whip, Quad Whip and Quint Whip. As you learn to do more whips, you need to ensure that you get more height and your deck rotations are much quicker.



Bar spin

A 360° rotation of the handlebars

  1. Don't let go of the bars completely, you should simply pass your bars around.
  2. Jump as high as you can, keeping yourself balanced.
  3. At a comfortable height in the air start to pass your handlebars around with your throwing hand.
  4. Keeping your handlebars underneath you, let go of the bars
  5. Let the bars spin freely and have your catching hand ready.
  6. Catch the grip with your catching hand
  7. Get both hands back on the grips and balance yourself for a smooth landing.

Once mastered you can learn Double Barspin, Triple Barspin and Quad Barspin. 

It will take practice to time throwing and catching so don’t rush it.


A 180° rotation in the air and landing.

  1. You will need to jump higher for these
  2. Once you jump, use your shoulders and head to spin yourself around 180 degrees.
  3. You want to jump high enough so that you can regain balance before you land in fakie.
  4. Remember to keep your back wheel nice and high at all times, or else it will catch on the floor and stop your rotation.
  5. Land in fakie.

Once mastered you can work on 180, 360, 540, 720, 900 and 1080. A Lot of these will have to be practiced in a foam pit or on a resi ramp first.


One handers

Take one hand off of the scooter stretching it out while in the midair.

  1. Jump a comfortable height, keeping your balance over the scooter.
  2. Take one hand off the grip and stretch that arm off the scooter
  3. Make sure your other hand is firmly holding the grip at all times.
  4. Now level yourself out in mid‑air and ensure both hands are securely back on the grips.
  5. Land and roll away.

Once mastered you can move on to No Handers.