Coping With Stress - Mental Health Awareness Week

This year, Mental Health Awareness Week is focusing on one of the key factors behind ill mental health, stress.

Stress can be caused by a range of things and develop in many different ways. It’s also heavily linked to causing anxiety and depression. So, what can we do to try and combat or control stress on a day to day basis?

We’ve put the word out here at SkateHut HQ and come up with some ways in which we or people we know, cope with stress.

Spend some time outdoors –

Sometimes, nothing beats breathing in some fresh air and taking a stroll in the great outdoors. This might not always be doable depending on where you live, but stepping outside for just 10/20 minutes when you’re feeling tense could do you the world of good. Better yet, make time to spend a good few hours outdoors by planning a hike or adventure in the beautiful countryside.

Hang Out With Friends –

What better way to take your mind of things than by having a good laugh with some friends? Get together and do something fun like heading to the local skate park, going bowling, or taking a trip to the cinema to see one of the many huge films being released this year!

Get Active –

Whether your ideal sport involves a gym, a field or concrete, this can merge together several of our coping methods! If you’ve been thinking of taking up a new sport, do some research and get out there, you could surprise yourself with some natural talent. Or if you’re already in to a particular activity, make time to do it more often and set yourself goals to achieve.

Take Up A Hobby –

Hobbies can range from every area! Painting, writing, building, music, knitting…there’s an endless list of hobbies for everyone. Do something that can help you relax.

Eat Healthily –

We all love sweet treats, burgers and pizza’s from time to time, but if you’re feeling a bit lethargic and down, it could be linked to your diet. We’re not saying drastically change what you eat, but maybe introduce more of the good stuff where you can. Getting the right nutrients your body needs can help you sleep better and feel better in general.

Talk To Someone –

On many occasions, this is easier said than done, but it’s also one of the best things you can do if you’re suffering with any form of depression, anxiety or ultimately, stress. Opening up can not only make you feel like a weight has been lifted, but it will help someone close to you understand what's on your mind and what you are going through. There are plenty of people out there, whether it’s friends and family, or through a dedicated helpline, you are not alone. It’s one of the hardest things to do for a lot of people, but having someone listen can be the best resolution.

We hope that these coping methods can be useful to some of you out there. If you’re looking for more information about Mental Health Awareness Week, check out the Mental Health Foundation’s website .