SkateHut Hero - Andy Schrock

Possibly one of the busiest men on earth, Andy Schrock owns and runs Revive Skateboards and Force wheels . Oh, and did we mention he also uploads videos daily for his 875,000 Youtube subscribers? This guy has had over 2 million views on his channel and definitely qualifies as one of the busiest men on planet earth right now.

We stock Revive clothing and boards as well as Force wheels, but it’s Andy’s Youtube transition that we’re looking at today. Starting out like most skaters, Andy put together parts and edits to showcase his style, all in the hope of snagging a sponsorship. Andy also threw together some sweet Jackass styled skits for good measure, but we don’t condone trying that at home (unless it’s awesome). He’s total proof that social media can be used for good after all and that through Youtube, you can raise your own profile to open up avenues you never knew existed.

Andy opened the pun-tastic ‘Shred Quarters’, store which not only has a great name, but it’s also the warehouse his business runs from. He decided to combine both work and pleasure, the pleasure being an indoor skatepark housed in Shred Quarters. This has played host to hundreds if not thousands of Andy’s videos, tricks, lines and endless games of S.K.A.T.E whilst also seeing some incredible pro skaters pass through its doors.

Some of the Shred Quarters employees saw the direction and lift that Youtube provided Andy, and decided to try their own spin on what was proving to be a successful blueprint. Comedy + Skateboarding = Followers. So with Sam Tabor and Casey Bechler making up over 380,000 followers between them too, the Shred Quarters plays host to some very big names in Youtube, whilst being home to a it’s very own Skateboarding and Wheel Brand.

Now this may seem like a slightly obscure topic to blog about, we’re an online company who sell stuff so what the hell does Youtube have to do with anything? Well, Youtube was how we came across Andy Schrock in the first place, and now we stock his products in our store. The internet plays such a huge part in our lives, that it would be criminal for us not to make the most of it! Maybe you found our website through one of our tweets? Maybe one of our Youtube videos drew you in, or even seeing your friend share our Facebook posts. The key is, all this stuff is free to use. If you can get that creative spark going, you have a world full of people waiting to see and hear of your ideas

Who knows what the future could hole when you get involved? Just ask Andy…

You can check out our full range of Revive gear Revive skate gear and force wheels force wheels

Also don't forget to check out Andy's Youtube channel